A Horizon Europe project
Recognising, measuring and reporting on the value of nature.
CircHive will help businesses and the public sector make more informed decisions that protect ecosystems, enhance biodiversity and unlock new opportunities for society and businesses.
Valuing nature
Nature provides invaluable services such as clean air and water, fertile soil, pollination, erosion and flood control, and climate regulation. However, few organisations currently understand, measure or report their impact on nature.
CircHive is a five-year, €11.5 million project with 15 research and 10 case-study partners.
The project will develop rigorous and standardised methods for combining two approaches to valuing nature: biodiversity footprinting and natural capital accounting. These two approaches are being used by an increasing number of organisations to understand and value the nature that underpins their operations.
By combining these methods, the project will provide a more comprehensive approach to valuing nature and improving biodiversity performance.